Rabu, 12 Oktober 2011

Ir. Soekarno

Presiden pertama Republik Indonesia, Soekarno yang biasa dipanggil Bung Karno, lahir di Blitar, Jawa Timur, 6 Juni 1901 dan meninggal di Jakarta, 21 Juni 1970. Ayahnya bernama Raden Soekemi Sosrodihardjo dan ibunya Ida Ayu Nyoman Rai. Semasa hidupnya, beliau mempunyai tiga istri dan dikaruniai delapan anak. Dari istri Fatmawati mempunyai anak Guntur, Megawati, Rachmawati, Sukmawati dan Guruh. Dari istri Hartini mempunyai Taufan dan Bayu, sedangkan dari istri Ratna Sari Dewi, wanita turunan Jepang bernama asli Naoko Nemoto mempunyai anak Kartika..

Masa kecil Soekarno hanya beberapa tahun hidup bersama orang tuanya di Blitar. Semasa SD hingga tamat, beliau tinggal di Surabaya, indekos di rumah Haji Oemar Said Tokroaminoto, politisi kawakan pendiri Syarikat Islam. Kemudian melanjutkan sekolah di HBS (Hoogere Burger School). Saat belajar di HBS itu, Soekarno telah menggembleng jiwa nasionalismenya. Selepas lulus HBS tahun 1920, pindah ke Bandung dan melanjut ke THS (Technische Hoogeschool atau sekolah Tekhnik Tinggi yang sekarang menjadi ITB). Ia berhasil meraih gelar "Ir" pada 25 Mei 1926.

Kemudian, beliau merumuskan ajaran Marhaenisme dan mendirikan PNI (Partai Nasional lndonesia) pada 4 Juli 1927, dengan tujuan Indonesia Merdeka. Akibatnya, Belanda, memasukkannya ke penjara Sukamiskin, Bandung pada 29 Desember 1929. Delapan bulan kemudian baru disidangkan. Dalam pembelaannya berjudul Indonesia Menggugat, beliau menunjukkan kemurtadan Belanda, bangsa yang mengaku lebih maju itu.

Pembelaannya itu membuat Belanda makin marah. Sehingga pada Juli 1930, PNI pun dibubarkan. Setelah bebas pada tahun 1931, Soekarno bergabung dengan Partindo dan sekaligus memimpinnya. Akibatnya, beliau kembali ditangkap Belanda dan dibuang ke Ende, Flores, tahun 1933. Empat tahun kemudian dipindahkan ke Bengkulu.

Setelah melalui perjuangan yang cukup panjang, Bung Karno dan
Bung Hatta memproklamasikan kemerdekaan RI pada 17 Agustus 1945. Dalam sidang BPUPKI tanggal 1 Juni 1945, Ir.Soekarno mengemukakan gagasan tentang dasar negara yang disebutnya Pancasila. Tanggal 17 Agustus 1945, Ir Soekarno dan Drs. Mohammad Hatta memproklamasikan kemerdekaan Indonesia. Dalam sidang PPKI, 18 Agustus 1945 Ir.Soekarno terpilih secara aklamasi sebagai Presiden Republik Indonesia yang pertama.

Sebelumnya, beliau juga berhasil merumuskan Pancasila yang kemudian menjadi dasar (ideologi) Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia. Beliau berupaya mempersatukan nusantara. Bahkan Soekarno berusaha menghimpun bangsa-bangsa di Asia, Afrika, dan Amerika Latin dengan Konferensi Asia Afrika di Bandung pada 1955 yang kemudian berkembang menjadi Gerakan Non Blok.

Pemberontakan G-30-S/PKI melahirkan krisis politik hebat yang menyebabkan penolakan MPR atas pertanggungjawabannya. Sebaliknya MPR mengangkat Soeharto sebagai Pejabat Presiden. Kesehatannya terus memburuk, yang pada hari Minggu, 21 Juni 1970 ia meninggal dunia di RSPAD. Ia disemayamkan di Wisma Yaso, Jakarta dan dimakamkan di Blitar, Jatim di dekat makam ibundanya, Ida Ayu Nyoman Rai. Pemerintah menganugerahkannya sebagai "Pahlawan Proklamasi".

Detik Detik Kematian Sang Presiden
Jakarta, Selasa, 16 Juni 1970. Ruangan intensive care RSPAD Gatot Subroto dipenuhi tentara sejak pagi. Serdadu berseragam dan bersenjata lengkap bersiaga penuh di beberapa titik strategis rumah sakit tersebut. Tak kalah banyaknya, petugas keamanan berpakaian preman juga hilir mudik di koridor rumah sakit hingga pelataran parkir.
Sedari pagi, suasana mencekam sudah terasa. Kabar yang berhembus mengatakan, mantan Presiden Soekarno akan dibawa ke rumah sakit ini dari rumah tahanannya di Wisma Yaso yang hanya berjarak lima kilometer.
Malam ini desas-desus itu terbukti. Di dalam ruang perawatan yang sangat sederhana untuk ukuran seorang mantan presiden, Soekarno tergolek lemah di pembaringan. Sudah beberapa hari ini kesehatannya sangat mundur. Sepanjang hari, orang yang dulu pernah sangat berkuasa ini terus memejamkan mata. Suhu tubuhnya sangat tinggi. Penyakit ginjal yang tidak dirawat secara semestinya kian menggerogoti kekuatan tubuhnya.
Lelaki yang pernah amat jantan dan berwibawa, dan sebab itu banyak digila-gilai perempuan seantero jagad, sekarang tak ubahnya bagai sesosok mayat hidup. Tiada lagi wajah gantengnya. Kini wajah yang dihiasi gigi gingsulnya telah membengkak, tanda bahwa racun telah menyebar ke mana-mana. Bukan hanya bengkak, tapi bolong-bolong bagaikan permukaan bulan. Mulutnya yang dahulu mampu menyihir jutaan massa dengan pidato-pidatonya yang sangat memukau, kini hanya terkatup rapat dan kering. Sebentar-sebentar bibirnya gemetar. Menahan sakit. Kedua tangannya yang dahulu sanggup meninju langit dan mencakar udara, kini tergolek lemas di sisi tubuhnya yang kian kurus.
Sang Putera Fajar tinggal menunggu waktu
Dua hari kemudian, Megawati, anak sulungnya dari Fatmawati diizinkan tentara untuk mengunjungi ayahnya. Menyaksikan ayahnya yang tergolek lemah dan tidak mampu membuka matanya, kedua mata Mega menitikkan airmata. Bibirnya secara perlahan didekatkan ke telinga manusia yang paling dicintainya ini.
“Pak, Pak, ini Ega…”
Ayahnya tak bergerak. Kedua matanya juga tidak membuka. Namun kedua bibir Soekarno yang telah pecah-pecah bergerak-gerak kecil, gemetar, seolah ingin mengatakan sesuatu pada puteri sulungnya itu. Soekarno tampak mengetahui kehadiran Megawati. Tapi dia tidak mampu membuka matanya. Tangan kanannya bergetar seolah ingin menuliskan sesuatu untuk puteri sulungnya, tapi tubuhnya terlampau lemah untuk sekadar menulis. Tangannya kembali terkulai. Soekarno terdiam lagi.
Melihat kenyataan itu, perasaan Megawati amat terpukul. Air matanya yang sedari tadi ditahan kini menitik jatuh. Kian deras. Perempuan muda itu menutupi hidungnya dengan sapu tangan. Tak kuat menerima kenyataan, Megawati menjauh dan limbung. Mega segera dipapah keluar.
Jarum jam terus bergerak. Di luar kamar, sepasukan tentara terus berjaga lengkap dengan senjata.
Malam harinya ketahanan tubuh seorang Soekarno ambrol. Dia coma. Antara hidup dan mati. Tim dokter segera memberikan bantuan seperlunya.
Keesokan hari, mantan wakil presiden Muhammad Hatta diizinkan mengunjungi kolega lamanya ini. Hatta yang ditemani sekretarisnya menghampiri pembaringan Soekarno dengan sangat hati-hati. Dengan segenap kekuatan yang berhasil dihimpunnya, Soekarno berhasil membuka matanya. Menahan rasa sakit yang tak terperi, Soekarno berkata lemah.
“Hatta.., kau di sini..?”
Yang disapa tidak bisa menyembunyikan kesedihannya. Namun Hatta tidak mau kawannya ini mengetahui jika dirinya bersedih. Dengan sekuat tenaga memendam kepedihan yang mencabik hati, Hatta berusaha menjawab Soekarno dengan wajar. Sedikit tersenyum menghibur.
“Ya, bagaimana keadaanmu, No ?”
Hatta menyapanya dengan sebutan yang digunakannya di masa lalu. Tangannya memegang lembut tangan Soekarno. Panasnya menjalari jemarinya. Dia ingin memberikan kekuatan pada orang yang sangat dihormatinya ini.
Bibir Soekarno bergetar, tiba-tiba, masih dengan lemah, dia balik bertanya dengan bahasa Belanda. Sesuatu yang biasa mereka berdua lakukan ketika mereka masih bersatu dalam Dwi Tunggal. “Hoe gaat het met jou…?” Bagaimana keadaanmu?
Hatta memaksakan diri tersenyum. Tangannya masih memegang lengan Soekarno.
Soekarno kemudian terisak bagai anak kecil. Lelaki perkasa itu menangis di depan kawan seperjuangannya, bagai bayi yang kehilangan mainan. Hatta tidak lagi mampu mengendalikan perasaannya. Pertahanannya bobol. Airmatanya juga tumpah. Hatta ikut menangis.
Kedua teman lama yang sempat berpisah itu saling berpegangan tangan seolah takut berpisah. Hatta tahu, waktu yang tersedia bagi orang yang sangat dikaguminya ini tidak akan lama lagi. Dan Hatta juga tahu, betapa kejamnya siksaan tanpa pukulan yang dialami sahabatnya ini. Sesuatu yang hanya bisa dilakukan oleh manusia yang tidak punya nurani.
“No…” Hanya itu yang bisa terucap dari bibirnya. Hatta tidak mampu mengucapkan lebih. Bibirnya bergetar menahan kesedihan sekaligus kekecewaannya. Bahunya terguncang-guncang.
Jauh di lubuk hatinya, Hatta sangat marah pada penguasa baru yang sampai hati menyiksa bapak bangsa ini. Walau prinsip politik antara dirinya dengan Soekarno tidak bersesuaian, namun hal itu sama sekali tidak merusak persabatannya yang demikian erat dan tulus.
Hatta masih memegang lengan Soekarno ketika kawannya ini kembali memejamkan matanya.
Jarum jam terus bergerak. Merambati angka demi angka.
Sisa waktu bagi Soekarno kian tipis.
Sehari setelah pertemuan dengan Hatta, kondisi Soekarno yang sudah buruk, terus merosot. Putera Sang Fajar itu tidak mampu lagi membuka kedua matanya. Suhu badannya terus meninggi. Soekarno kini menggigil. Peluh membasahi bantal dan piyamanya. Malamnya Dewi Soekarno dan puterinya yang masih berusia tiga tahun, Karina, hadir di rumah sakit. Soekarno belum pernah sekali pun melihat anaknya.
Minggu pagi, 21 Juni 1970. Dokter Mardjono, salah seorang anggota tim dokter kepresidenan seperti biasa melakukan pemeriksaan rutin. Bersama dua orang paramedis, Dokter Mardjono memeriksa kondisi pasien istimewanya ini. Sebagai seorang dokter yang telah berpengalaman, Mardjono tahu waktunya tidak akan lama lagi.
Dengan sangat hati-hati dan penuh hormat, dia memeriksa denyut nadi Soekarno. Dengan sisa kekuatan yang masih ada, Soekarno menggerakkan tangan kanannya, memegang lengan dokternya. Mardjono merasakan panas yang demikian tinggi dari tangan yang amat lemah ini. Tiba-tiba tangan yang panas itu terkulai. Detik itu juga Soekarno menghembuskan nafas terakhirnya. Kedua matanya tidak pernah mampu lagi untuk membuka. Tubuhnya tergolek tak bergerak lagi. Kini untuk selamanya.
Situasi di sekitar ruangan sangat sepi. Udara sesaat terasa berhenti mengalir. Suara burung yang biasa berkicau tiada terdengar. Kehampaan sepersekian detik yang begitu mencekam. Sekaligus menyedihkan.
Dunia melepas salah seorang pembuat sejarah yang penuh kontroversi. Banyak orang menyayanginya, tapi banyak pula yang membencinya. Namun semua sepakat, Soekarno adalah seorang manusia yang tidak biasa. Yang belum tentu dilahirkan kembali dalam waktu satu abad. Manusia itu kini telah tiada.
Dokter Mardjono segera memanggil seluruh rekannya, sesama tim dokter kepresidenan. Tak lama kemudian mereka mengeluarkan pern
yataan resmi: Soekarno telah meninggal.

Jumat, 23 September 2011

Vito Andolini Corloene


In the first film, Don Vito Corleone was portrayed by. Though composed of characteristics of many gangsters, the Vito Corleone character is based largely on those of Frank Costello and Carlo Gambino. Like Costello, Vito has a raspy voice, has politicians and judges on his payroll, and has many gambling interests. Like Gambino, Vito is very cunning.

In Puzo's novel, Vito is the head of the Corleone crime family, the most powerful Mafia family in the New York City area if not the country. He is depicted as an ambitious Italian immigrant who moves to Hell's Kitchen and builds a Mafia empire, yet retains (and strictly adheres to) his own personal code of honor. His youngest son, Michael Corleone, becomes the Don upon his death at the end of the novel. He has two other sons, Santino "Sonny" Corleone and Fredo Corleone, and a daughter, Connie Corleone, all of whom play major roles in the story. He also informally adopted another son, Tom Hagen, who grew up to become the Family's consigliere.

Early life

In the chronology of the Godfather saga, Vito first appears in 1901 as a young boy in the small Sicilian town of Corleone. As documented in the novel (and in Godfather Part II), his father, Antonio Andolini, is murdered by the local Mafia boss, Don Ciccio, because he refused to pay tribute to him. His older brother, Paolo, swears revenge, but is himself murdered soon after. Eventually, Ciccio's henchmen come to the residence of the Andolinis to take Vito away and have him killed. Desperate, Signora Andolini takes her son to see the mafia chieftain herself

Immigration to America

When Vito's mother goes to see Don Ciccio, she begs him to spare Vito. However, Ciccio refuses, reasoning that Vito would also seek revenge as an adult. Upon Ciccio's refusal, Signora Andolini puts a knife to his throat, allowing her son to escape, but is then murdered by Ciccio's guards. (In the novel, she survives being shot and later reunites with her son in Sicily many years later.) Later that night, he is smuggled away, fleeing Sicily to seek refuge in America on a cargo ship full of immigrants. In the novel, he deliberately changes his name to Corleone, after his home town. The movie, however, plays that he is renamed "Vito Corleone" because the immigration workers at Ellis Island mistake "Andolini" for his middle name and the name of his town for his last name. According to The Godfather: Part II, he later adopted the middle name "Andolini" to acknowledge his heritage, though this could have been done posthumously by his family.

Adopted by the Abbandando family

Corleone is later adopted by the Abbandando family in New York City's Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan, and he befriends their son, Genco, who becomes like a brother to him. Corleone begins making an honest living at Abbandando's grocery store on Ninth Avenue, but loses the job, as an intimidated Abbandando is forced to fire Vito to make room for the nephew of Don Fanucci, a blackhander and the local neighborhood padrone.

Corleone soon learns to survive and prosper through petty crime and performing favors in return for loyalty. During this time, he also befriends two other low-level hoods, Peter Clemenza and Salvatore Tessio. In 1919, he commits his first murder, killing Fanucci, who had tried to extort money from him. Corleone chooses the day of a major festival to spy on Fanucci from the rooftops as Fanucci goes home, and surprises him at the door to his apartment. He shoots Fanucci three times, as the din from the festival drowns out the noise from the gunshots.

Rise as an olive oil importer

As a young man, Corleone starts an olive oil business, Genco Pura (known as simply Genco Olive Oil in the films) with his friend Genco Abbandando. The company eventually becomes the biggest olive oil importer in the nation. Over the years he uses it as a legal front for his organized crime syndicate, while amassing a fortune with his illegal operations. In 1925, he returns to Sicily for the first time since leaving 24 years earlier. He and his partner, Don Tommasino then set up a meeting with the aging Don Ciccio, where he kills him by carving his stomach openthus avenging his murdered father, mother and brother.

Organized Crime

By the early 1930s, Vito Corleone has organized his illegal operations as the Corleone crime family. Genco Abbandando becomes his consigliere, or advisor, with Clemenza and Tessio as caporegimes. Later, his son Sonny becomes a capo as well, and eventually his underboss. Around 1939, he moves his base of operations to Long Beach, on Long Island. While he oversees a business founded on gambling, bootlegging, and union corruption, he is known as a kind, generous man who lives by a strict moral code of loyalty to friends and, above all, family. At the same time, he is known as a traditionalist who demands respect commensurate with his status. By the time of the novel and film, even his three closest friendsGenco, Pete and Salnever call him "Vito," but either "Godfather" or "Don Corleone." In both the book and the first scene of the first Godfather, he chastises his old friend, undertaker Bonasera, for not coming to him first after his daughter is beaten up instead of going to the police. Although he has a reputation for ruthlessness, he disagrees with many of the vicious crimes carried out by gangs and so seeks to control crime in New York by either consuming or eliminating rival gangs. In the mid-1920s, Vito met Hyman Roth (based on real life Jewish mobster Meyer Lansky), who wanted to use Vito's trucks for his own smuggling operation. Vito accepted this offer, and the two became allies for many years.

Assassination Attempt

In 1945, Corleone is nearly assassinated when he refuses the request of Virgil Sollozzo to invest in a heroin operation and use his political contacts for the operation's protection. He is supposed to be driven home by his bodyguard, Paulie Gatto (a soldier in the Clemenza regime) along with his son Fredo. When the Don finds that Paulie is not there, Fredo tells him that Paulie has called in sick that day due to a cold. The Don crosses the street to buy oranges and other fruits from a street vendor. At that time, two of Sollozzo's hitmen come out from the shadows with guns drawn. Realizing the situation, the Don tries to sprint back to his Alfa Romeo but he is shot five times in his thighs and arms. Fredo tries to help his father, but fumbles with his gun and can't get to him in time.

Certain that the Don is dead, Sollozzo kidnaps Hagen and tells him to get Sonny to accept the drug deal. Hagen agrees, but warns Sollozzo that the Don's fanatically loyal hitman, Luca Brasi, will likely come after Sollozzo. However, Sollozzo doesn't tell Hagen that he helped kill Brasi earlier.

Just as Hagen is released, Sollozzo finds out the Don survived. Enraged, he makes a second attempt two days later. The Don is at the French Hospital being guarded by men from Tessio's regime. However, Sollozzo has police Captain Mark McCluskey, who has been on the take for many years, threw Tessio's men in jail, leaving the Don unguarded. Unfortunately for Sollozzo and McCluskey, Michael comes to visit his father just minutes before the attack is due. Realizing that his father is in danger, Michael has a nurse help him move the Don to another room and pretends to stand guard outside the hospital with Enzo the baker.

Injuries from the attack put the Don out of action for next three years. Sonny served as acting head of the family during this time. He determined that Paulie Gatto took money from Sollozzo in return for betraying the Don, and ordered him killed. He also got word that the Tattaglias had killed Luca Brasi, and ordered Tessio's men to kill the family's underboss, Bruno Tattaglia. Michael persuaded Sonny to allow him to avenge their father by killing Sollozzo and McCluskey himself.

Sonny's death and Vito's return

Sonny was himself assassinated, forcing Vito to resume command. He ordered all inquiries made, yet also ordered that no vengeance shall be sought. With the Don incapacitated, the other families had moved in on his business interests, as well as his labor rackets. With the Don's return, rival families now started reconsidering their moves.

After Sonny's funeral and other formalities, Vito ordered Hagen to contact Emilio Barzini, the second most powerful Mafia chieftain in the country, in order to arrange a meeting of heads of all the families in America except the Chicago Outfit (considered the "black sheep" of the underworld). The meeting took place in the board room of a Manhattan bank whose president was a close friend of the Corleones.

In that meeting, Vito renounced all vengeance regarding his son's death. He also said a light yes to the drug operations although he mentioned he never believed in drugs. However, he said he only accepted this for "selfish reasons" in order to bring back Michael from exile in Sicily.

In this part he said,

"But let me say this. I am a superstitious man, a ridiculous failing but I must confess it here. And so if some unlucky accident should befall my youngest son, if some police officer should accidentally shoot him, if he should hang himself while in his jail cell, if new witnesses appear to testify to his guilt, my superstition will make me feel that it was the result of the ill will still borne me by some people here. Let me go further. If my son is struck by a bolt of lightning I will blame some of the people here. If his plane show fall into the sea or his ship sink beneath the waves of the ocean, if he should catch a mortal fever, if his automobile should be struck by a train, such is my superstition that I would blame the ill will felt by people here."


After Michael's return from Sicily, Vito installed him in the family business as a learner associate. Michael learned things from his father for more than a year. After Michael's marriage with earlier girlfriend Kay Adams, Vito went into semi-retirement. Michael became operating head of the family, with Vito as an informal consigliere. Michael sent Hagen to Las Vegas to act as the family's lawyer there and lay the groundwork for a planned move of most operations there after Vito's death. Clemenza and Tessio requested permission to break off and form their own families after the move to Las Vegas. Michael's bodyguard Albert 'Al' Neri and Rocco Lampone were chosen to be the future caporegimes of the family. Willi Cicci was also considered, but opted to go with Clemenza's planned family.


At the end of the novel and in the movie, he dies of a heart attack while playing with his grandson Anthony in his garden. His last words in the novel are, "Life is so beautiful." Vito's funeral was a grand affair, with all the other dons, capos and consiglieres in New York attending.

Vito told Michael some days before his death that Barzini would set Michael up to be killed under cover of a meeting "to fix up things." Barzini would use a trusted member of the Corleone family as an intermediary. At the funeral, Tessio told Michael that he'd set up a meeting on his territory in Brooklyn, where Michael would presumably be safe. However, Michael had anticipated this and had Tessio killed. Michael then ordered his men to kill Barzini and Tattaglia (in the film, the other two family chiefs as well), thus avenging his father and brother.